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American Recovery Plan GRANTS

Where is the Federal COVID Relief Money?

These funds are not part of the operational funds or annual school budget


Federal Stimulus #1 CARES Act $165,243

  • Deducted from our state aid in 2020-2021 for the same amount -$165,243

  • To recover deducted state aid, Lyncourt applied for these funds from the Federal Government

  • Lyncourt was responsible to share this with parochial schools, our share passed to parochial $1,836.

  • Net Federal stimulus for Lyncourt -$1,836


Federal Stimulus #2 Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Approp Act (CRRSA)     $491,644

  • Federal stipulation that states could not reduce state aid spending in order for the state to qualify for the funds

  • Funds are limited to additional spending on one time expenditures and needs

  • Funds must be used for safety, health, instructional, and social-emotional needs

  • Enhanced learning in afterschool, summer and additional academic support to close learning gaps


Federal Stimulus #3a  American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)   TOTAL $1,804,961

  • Limitations similar to CRRSA for Federal portion ($1,104,961)

  • Timeframe for use runs thru 2024


Federal Stimulus #3b  American Rescue Plan Act  - State Level Reserves (ARP-SLR)  

  • Three programs exist within the total ARPA funding above:

  • 1% Afterschool Programming ($100,002)

  • 1% Summer Programming ($100,002)

  • 5% Learning Loss ($499,996)


What are we spending all of this Federal COVID Relief money on?

The COVID Relief Funds that school districts are allocated have specific stipulations as to their use and spending plans. These funds are for one-time purchases that are not meant to create future financial obligations for the school community. The relief funds are not to be confused with the general operating budget that is voted on each school year. These are separate funds, grants that will end at the end of 2024.

The funds are being spent on instructional and social-emotional skill building as the Lyncourt school works toward full recovery from the loss our students experienced throughout the COVID pandemic. Some of the special services provided for by these grants include:

After school enrichment programs, tutoring, Social Worker, behavior management systems and specialists, iPads, chromebooks, new math curriculum, Summer School, field trips, assemblies, professional development, cleaning and disinfecting, additional help in the Nurse's office, Reading Paraprofessional, Smithsonian science kits, library books and materials.