New Student Registration
Welcome to Lyncourt Union Free School!
Registration is by APPOINTMENT ONLY - NO WALK INS Please call 315-455-7571.

- Completed registration packet (315-455-7571 main office can mail you one)
- Birth Certificate
- Recent Immunization Records. Click here for health related forms needed for registration.
- Previous School Records if applicable. If your child received special education services, please bring a copy of a current IEP/504 plan.
- Custody Agreement and/or Court Order (if applicable)
- Proof of Residency i.e. current lease or rental agreement, tax bill, pay stub, etc.
- Parent/guardian Photo Identification, i.e. license, employer ID, etc.
Children who will attend a private, parochial or charter school need to be registered at the District Office. Please call to make an appointment.
Additional Forms
- If you are stating you live with a Lyncourt Resident, YOU must fill out the parent/guardian affidavit. The HOMEOWNER must complete the residency affidavit. Both must be notarized. Homeowner must provide mortgage paperwork, lease, or utility bill. See below for two forms: