Kelly Schroeter
School Psychologist, K-8
Phone: (315) 455.7571
Amy MacCaull
School Counselor, K-8
Phone: (315) 455.7571
Randi Sherman
School Social Worker
Phone: (315)455-7571
Counseling services: individual and group counseling, crisis counseling
Parent Conferences:
We have 2 scheduled conference days in the fall but parents may request a conference at any time. PreK-5th grade: Please set up the conference with the classroom teacher.
6th-8th grade: Please call our School Counselor, Amy MacCaull at 455-7571 to set up a conference with the Middle School team
Report Cards:
K-5th grades: Report Cards are sent home 4 times a year, every 10 weeks.
6th-8th grades: Report cards are mailed home every 10 weeks (10, 20, 30, 40 weeks.) Progress reports are mailed home at 5, 15, 25 and 35 weeks. Please see our district calendar for specific dates.
High School courses:
We offer Living Environment and Algebra 1 to some of our 8th graders. Students are recommended for these courses based on certain criteria. Parents and students need to be aware that any course grade and the Regents exam score earned in grade eight is recorded on the high school transcript. To withdraw from a high school level course without having a grade noted on the permanent transcript, students must do so before December 1.
Mental health services for adults:
In collaboration with ARISE Child and Family Service, Lyncourt Union Free School District is now offering mental health services for adults. This school-based site will allow adults to access mental health services during school hours at your child’s school.
Services are billed to healthcare insurance providers. Medicaid and many other insurance plans are accepted. Fees vary based on the service provided and the insurance plan. ARISE also offers a sliding fee scale for those who are uninsured.
Available services include:- Assessments to determine if therapy would be helpful
- Individual therapy sessions on-site at your child’s school
- Psychiatric assessments, medication evaluations and management by a psychiatrist at our main clinic location at 635 James St.
If you are interested or would like more information, please reach out to the ARISE intake line at (315)671-2955.
K-8 Comprehensive School Counseling Plan
Useful Links:
Naviance Family Connection