COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Bilingual & World Languages (ELL Services)
Supporting Limited English Speaking People and New Americans:
- RISE Emergency Phone Number- (315)214-4480 Available 24/7
(follow prompts for language needed, as volunteers arise other languages may be added)
Press 1 for English/general inquiries
Press 2 for Nepali
Press 3 for French, Swahili, and Lingala
Press 4 for Somali
Press 5 for Kizigua
Press 6 for Karen and Burmese
Press 7 for Kinyarwandan, Kirundi
Press 8 for Arabic
Child Care Services
If you are a parent or caregiver who needs child care, please complete this parent need for child care survey. Based on the information you provide about your job, employer, number of children, and financial need, Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) may be able to help you find the child program you need. It may be a challenge to find child care due to COVID-19 related program closures, however the staff at OCFS are trying their best to support families to find the high quality child care that they need.
*The survey is in English, they are currently being translated, translations to follow.
• Link to the Parent Survey:
Additional links:
• Link to the YMCA Emergency Child Care:
• In addition, the OCFS website has several resources available
COVID-19 Prevention and Resources
- CDC Information Page
- COVID Testing Locations Updated 9.30.2020
- New York State Information Page
- NYS DOH COVID-19 Screening Flowsheet for Students and Staff
- Students: Let's work together to stop the spread of COVID-19
Did you wash your hands?
Keep Space Between You and Others
Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.
- Stop the Spread of COVID-19
Síntomas del coronavirus (COVID-19)
Astaamaha Korona Fayraska (COVID-19)
Dalili za Virusi vya Corona (COVID-19)
Nepali (COVID-19)
Vietnamese (COVID-19)
Lao (COVID-19)
Burmese (COVID-19)
Arabic (COVID-19)
Karen (COVID-19)
District Contact Information
- Office of the Superintendent
- Mrs. Kimberly Davis, Principal
- Counseling & Support Services
- Nurses Office
District Updates
- March 16, 2020 Update
- March 13th, 2020 Update Letter
- Lyncourt School Reopening Plan Question and Answer Sessions
- Remote Learning Q & A Session
- Superintendent Austin Phone Call on October 29 2020
- Superintendent Austin Phone Call on October 31, 2020
- Superintendent Austin Phone Call on November 1, 2020
- Superintendent Austin Update December 1, 2020
- Superintendent Austin Phone Call Update December 10, 2020
- Superintendent Austin Phone Call Update December 14, 2020
- Superintendent Update 11/13/2020, 11/18/2020
Meal Pickup and Delivery (Food Services)
Food Service Information
Mental Health Resources
- 2-1-1 (Connect over the phone with local supports)
- Statewide Hotline for free mental health services:, 1-844-863-9314 (8am-10pm 7 days/week) Call to schedule an appointment
- Liberty Resources: is accepting new patients/referrals through telehealth 315-472-4471
- Local Therapists: Many local therapy practices are utilizing phone/video conferencing for appointments, if your regular office/practitioner hasn’t reached out, call and ask about this option.
- Students who attend a high school with an SAP counselor, appointments and open office hours are available through Your school and Contact Community Services can help you connect.
- Students who were receiving treatment from school based clinics should be continuing treatment via telehealth or the main clinic setting (depending on the provider)
- Rescue Mission has to go meals for anyone in the community who needs nutrition at 7 am 11 am and 4 pm (as of 3/24)
- PreK-grade 3 WCNY television schedule (Word Doc available) Channels: over the air 24.4; Spectrum 1227; Verizon Fios 468
- CCSI one pagers: (pdf format) Managing Stress in Times of Crisis, Helping Children and Youth in our Lives Cope)
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus (great info for everyone caring for youth in this time)
- Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19
HOTLINES Related to County Supports
- Hotline for seniors and essential workers who are having difficulty getting food/supplies:
- DSS mandatory/assistance services (TANF/SNAP/HEAP etc.) are open and working, mostly via phone 315-435-2700. You must call first, if your need requires an in person visit to the Civic Center (limited cases) they will let you know.
- Hotline for essential workers who need child care: 315-446-1220
Special Education Services
Testing and Tracing Protocols
Testing and Tracing Protocols
Tech Support
- Accessing Google Classroom from Home
- 2020 Parents' Guide to Google Classroom
- Parent/Student Helpdesk Request Form
- Virtual Learning Schedule
Transportation Information