Important information for Families in Multiple Languages
On the next pages you can find updated information on COVID-19 in many different languages. There is information on where and how to get meals for your child/children while the school is closed. The school has also put together many of the on-line resources that students use regularly in one place for easy access. If you have questions, please reach out to our ENL teachers.Health Information on COVID-19
- Information on COVID-19 from the New York City Department of Health-English, (Languages available: Arabic, Bengali, Lao, Nepali, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Vietnamese)
- New York State Tip Sheet on Stopping the Spread of Germs: English, Arabic, Spanish, Bengali
- Lyncourt UFSD COVID-19 Folder for Families in Multiple Languages
Free Breakfast and Lunch During Closure
Online Resources for Parents and StudentsPlease visit this site for helpful online sources.Planning for Home Instruction, K-5 Home Instruction Resources, 6-8 Home Instruction Resources Using Google Classroom Guide |