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Our Geometrocity

Students from Mrs. Cowburn's, Mallen's and Aiello's classes came together to build a geometrocity.  Hmmm, what is that you may wonder? It is where students take their geometry and inference skills and design their own city. This project was much greater than just working on math skills though.  

Students formed groups across the three classes and had to work together to build their section of the city.  They had to solve problems together...which means that they had to communicate and collaborate well, as well as learn to come to a consensus as they designed their area.  Either consciously or unconsciously, one of the students had to become the leader and each member had to agree to perform certain tasks.  That doesn't mean there wasn't independent learning involved...but they had to share what they learned with the whole group.

Our students created a city that used both 2D and 3D items.  And they all had fun practicing both plane and solid geometry without even realizing how many different math skills they incorporated.  Watching their creativity blossom was priceless!  Here are some pictures from the last day our their project.
